Package 'TFRE'

Title: A Tuning-Free Robust and Efficient Approach to High-Dimensional Regression
Description: Provide functions to estimate the coefficients in high-dimensional linear regressions via a tuning-free and robust approach. The method was published in Wang, L., Peng, B., Bradic, J., Li, R. and Wu, Y. (2020), "A Tuning-free Robust and Efficient Approach to High-dimensional Regression", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115:532, 1700-1714(JASA’s discussion paper), <doi:10.1080/01621459.2020.1840989>. See also Wang, L., Peng, B., Bradic, J., Li, R. and Wu, Y. (2020), "Rejoinder to “A tuning-free robust and efficient approach to high-dimensional regression". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115, 1726-1729, <doi:10.1080/01621459.2020.1843865>; Peng, B. and Wang, L. (2015), "An Iterative Coordinate Descent Algorithm for High-Dimensional Nonconvex Penalized Quantile Regression", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 24:3, 676-694, <doi:10.1080/10618600.2014.913516>; Clémençon, S., Colin, I., and Bellet, A. (2016), "Scaling-up empirical risk minimization: optimization of incomplete u-statistics", The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(1):2682–2717; Fan, J. and Li, R. (2001), "Variable Selection via Nonconcave Penalized Likelihood and its Oracle Properties", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96:456, 1348-1360, <doi:10.1198/016214501753382273>.
Authors: Yunan Wu [aut, cre, cph], Lan Wang [aut]
Maintainer: Yunan Wu <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.1.0
Built: 2025-03-02 04:18:45 UTC

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Extract coefficients from a 'TFRE' object


Extract the coefficient vector from a fitted TFRE Lasso, SCAD or MCP model.


## S3 method for class 'TFRE'
coef(object, s, ...)



Fitted "TFRE" model object.


Regression model to use for coefficient extraction. Should be one of "1st" and "2nd". See more details in "Details".


Not used. Other arguments to extract coefficients.


If object$second_stage = "none", s cannot be "2nd". If object$second_stage = "none" and s = "2nd", the function will return the coefficient vector from the TFRE Lasso regression. If object$second_stage = "scad" or "mcp", and s = "2nd", the function will return the coefficient vector from the TFRE SCAD or MCP regression with the smallest HBIC.


The coefficient vector from the fitted TFRE model, with the first element as the intercept.


Yunan Wu and Lan Wang
Maintainer: Yunan Wu <[email protected]>


Wang, L., Peng, B., Bradic, J., Li, R. and Wu, Y. (2020), A Tuning-free Robust and Efficient Approach to High-dimensional Regression, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115:532, 1700-1714, doi:10.1080/01621459.2020.1840989.

See Also

TFRE, predict.TFRE, plot.TFRE


n <- 20; p <- 50
beta0 <- c(1.5,-1.25,1,-0.75,0.5,rep(0,p-5))
eta_list <- 0.1*6:15*sqrt(log(p)/n)
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n)
y <- X %*% beta0 + rt(n,4)

Obj_TFRE_Lasso <- TFRE(X, y, second_stage = "none", const_incomplete = 5)
coef(Obj_TFRE_Lasso, "1st")[1:10]
coef(Obj_TFRE_Lasso, "2nd")[1:10]

Obj_TFRE_SCAD <- TFRE(X, y, eta_list = eta_list, const_incomplete = 5)
coef(Obj_TFRE_SCAD, "1st")[1:10]
coef(Obj_TFRE_SCAD, "2nd")[1:10]

Obj_TFRE_MCP <- TFRE(X, y, second_stage = "mcp", eta_list = eta_list, const_incomplete = 5)
coef(Obj_TFRE_MCP, "1st")[1:10]
coef(Obj_TFRE_MCP, "2nd")[1:10]

Estimate the tuning parameter for a TFRE Lasso regression


Estimate the tuning parameter of the TFRE Lasso regression given the covariate matrix X.


est_lambda(X, alpha0 = 0.1, const_lambda = 1.01, times = 500)



Input matrix, of dimension n_obs x n_vars; each row is an observation vector.


The level to estimate the tuning parameter. Default value is 0.1. See more details in "Details".


The constant to estimate the tuning parameter, should be greater than 1. Default value is 1.01. See more details in "Details".


The size of simulated samples to estimate the tuning parameter. Default value is 500.


In TFRE Lasso regressions, the tuning parameter can be estimated independent of errors. In Wang et al. (2020), the following tuning parameter is suggested:

λ=const_lambdaGSn1(1alpha0)\lambda^* = const\_lambda * G^{-1}_{||\bm{S}_n||_\infty}(1-alpha0)

, where Sn=2[n(n1)]1j=1nxj[2rj(n+1)]\bm{S}_n = -2[n(n-1)]^{-1}\sum_{j=1}^n\bm{x}_j[2r_j-(n+1)], r1,,rnr_1,\ldots,r_n follows the uniform distribution on the per-mutations of the integers {1,,n}\{1,\ldots,n\}, and GSn1(1alpha0)G^{-1}_{||\bm{S}_n||_\infty}(1-alpha0) denotes the (1alpha0)(1-alpha0)-quantile of the distribution of Sn||\bm{S}_n||_\infty.


The estimated tuning parameter of the TFRE Lasso regression given X.


Yunan Wu and Lan Wang
Maintainer: Yunan Wu <[email protected]>


Wang, L., Peng, B., Bradic, J., Li, R. and Wu, Y. (2020), A Tuning-free Robust and Efficient Approach to High-dimensional Regression, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115:532, 1700-1714, doi:10.1080/01621459.2020.1840989.

See Also



n <- 20; p <- 50
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n)

Plot the second stage model curve for a 'TFRE' object


Plot the HBIC curve and the model size curve as a function of the eta values used, from a fitted TFRE SCAD or MCP model.


## S3 method for class 'TFRE'
plot(x, ...)



A fitted "TFRE" model object. It should contain a second stage model.


Not used. Other arguments to be passed through plotting functions.


In the output plot, the red line represents the HBIC curve as a function of eta values, the blue line represents the number of nonzero coefficients as a function of eta values, and the purple vertical dashed line denotes the model selected with the smallest HBIC.
This function cannot plot the object if object$second_stage = "none".


No return value, called for side effects.


Yunan Wu and Lan Wang
Maintainer: Yunan Wu <[email protected]>


Wang, L., Peng, B., Bradic, J., Li, R. and Wu, Y. (2020), A Tuning-free Robust and Efficient Approach to High-dimensional Regression, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115:532, 1700-1714, doi:10.1080/01621459.2020.1840989.

See Also

TFRE, predict.TFRE, coef.TFRE


n <- 20; p <- 50
beta0 <- c(1.5,-1.25,1,-0.75,0.5,rep(0,p-5))
eta_list <- 0.1*6:15*sqrt(log(p)/n)
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n)
y <- X %*% beta0 + rt(n,4)
Obj_TFRE_SCAD <- TFRE(X, y, eta_list = eta_list, const_incomplete = 5)

Obj_TFRE_MCP <- TFRE(X, y, second_stage = "mcp", eta_list = eta_list, const_incomplete = 5)

Make predictions from a 'TFRE' object


Make predictions for new X values from a fitted TFRE Lasso, SCAD or MCP model.


## S3 method for class 'TFRE'
predict(object, newX, s, ...)



Fitted "TFRE" model object.


Matrix of new values for X at which predictions are to be made.


Regression model to use for prediction. Should be one of "1st" and "2nd". See more details in "Details".


Not used. Other arguments to predict.


If object$second_stage = "none", s cannot be "2nd". If object$second_stage = "none" and s = "2nd", the function will return the predictions based on the TFRE Lasso regression. If object$second_stage = "scad" or "mcp", and s = "2nd", the function will return the predictions based on the TFRE SCAD or MCP regression with the smallest HBIC.


A vector of predictions for the new X values given the fitted TFRE model.


Yunan Wu and Lan Wang
Maintainer: Yunan Wu <[email protected]>


Wang, L., Peng, B., Bradic, J., Li, R. and Wu, Y. (2020), A Tuning-free Robust and Efficient Approach to High-dimensional Regression, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115:532, 1700-1714, doi:10.1080/01621459.2020.1840989.

See Also

TFRE, coef.TFRE, plot.TFRE


n <- 20; p <- 50
beta0 <- c(1.5,-1.25,1,-0.75,0.5,rep(0,p-5))
eta_list <- 0.1*6:15*sqrt(log(p)/n)
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n)
y <- X %*% beta0 + rt(n,4)
newX <- matrix(rnorm(10*p),10)

Obj_TFRE_Lasso <- TFRE(X, y, second_stage = "none", const_incomplete = 5)
predict(Obj_TFRE_Lasso, newX, "1st")
predict(Obj_TFRE_Lasso, newX, "2nd")

Obj_TFRE_SCAD <- TFRE(X, y, eta_list = eta_list, const_incomplete = 5)
predict(Obj_TFRE_SCAD, newX, "1st")
predict(Obj_TFRE_SCAD, newX, "2nd")

Obj_TFRE_MCP <- TFRE(X, y, second_stage = "mcp", eta_list = eta_list, const_incomplete = 5)
predict(Obj_TFRE_MCP, newX, "1st")
predict(Obj_TFRE_MCP, newX, "2nd")

Fit a TFRE regression model with Lasso, SCAD or MCP regularization


Fit a TFRE Lasso model and/or a TFRE SCAD or MCP model. The TFRE regression models are fitted via QICD algorithm and Incomplete U-statistics resampling technique (optional). The tuning parameter of TFRE Lasso regression is estimated by the covariate matrix X. The TFRE SCAD / MCP regressions are computed at a grid of values for the tuning parameter eta. High dimensional BIC (HBIC) will be used as the criterion on the TFRE SCAD / MCP tuning parameter searching.


  alpha0 = 0.1,
  const_lambda = 1.01,
  times = 500,
  incomplete = TRUE,
  const_incomplete = 10,
  thresh = 1e-06,
  maxin = 100,
  maxout = 20,
  second_stage = "scad",
  a = 3.7,
  eta_list = NULL,
  const_hbic = 6



Input matrix, of dimension n_obs x n_vars; each row is an observation vector.


Response variable.


The level to estimate the tuning parameter. Default value is 0.1. See more details in the "Details" section of est_lambda.


The constant to estimate the tuning parameter, should be greater than 1. Default value is 1.01. See more details in the "Details" section of est_lambda.


The size of simulated samples to estimate the tuning parameter. Default value is 500.


Logical. If incomplete = TRUE, the Incomplete U-statistics resampling technique would be applied; if incomplete = FALSE, the complete U-statistics would be used in computation. See more details in Clémençon, Colin and Bellet (2016).


The constant for the Incomplete U-statistics resampling technique. If incomplete = TRUE, const_incomplete x n_obs samples will be randomly selected in the coefficient estimation. Default value is 10. See more details in Clémençon, Colin and Bellet (2016).


Convergence threshold for QICD algorithm. Default value is 1e-6. See more details in Peng and Wang (2015).


Maximum number of inner coordiante descent iterations in QICD algorithm; default is 100. See more details in Peng and Wang (2015).


Maximum number of outter Majoriaztion Minimization step (MM) iterations in QICD algorithm; default is 20. See more details in Peng and Wang (2015).


Penalty function for the second stage model. Character vector, which can be "scad", "mcp" and "none". If second_stage = "scad", the TFRE SCAD regression would be fitted; if second_stage = "mcp", the TFRE MCP regression would be fitted; if scad = "none", only the TFRE Lasso regression outputs would be returned.


an unknown parameter in SCAD and MCP penalty functions. The default value is 3.7, suggested by Fan and Li (2001).


A numerical vector for the tuning parameters to be used in the TFRE SCAD or MCP regression. Cannot be NULL if second_stage = "scad" or "mcp".


The constant to be used in calculating HBIC in the TFRE SCAD regression. Default value is 6. See more details in "Details".


Wang et al. (2020) proposed the TFRE Lasso estimator for high-dimensional linear regressions with heavy-tailed errors as below:

β^(λ)=argminβ1n(n1)ij(YixiTβ)(YjxjTβ)+λk=1pβk,\widehat{\bm{\beta}}(\lambda^*) = \arg\min_{\bm{\beta}}\frac{1}{n(n-1)}{\sum\sum}_{i\neq j}\left|(Y_i-\bm{x}_i^T\bm{\beta})-(Y_j-\bm{x}_j^T\bm{\beta})\right| + \lambda^*\sum_{k=1}^p|\beta_k|,

where λ\lambda^* is the tuning parameter estimated by est_lambda. The TFRE Lasso model is fitted by QICD algorithm proposed in Peng and Wang (2015). To overcome the computational barrier arising from the U-statistics structure of the aforementioned loss function, we apply the Incomplete U-statistics resampling technique which was first proposed in Clémençon, Colin and Bellet (2016).
Wang et al. (2020) also proposed a second-stage enhancement by using the TFRE Lasso estimator β^(λ)\widehat{\bm{\beta}}(\lambda^*) as an initial estimator. It is defined as:

β~(1)=argminβ1n(n1)ij(YixiTβ)(YjxjTβ)+k=1ppη(β^k(λ))βk,\widetilde{\bm{\beta}}^{(1)} = \arg\min_{\bm{\beta}}\frac{1}{n(n-1)}{\sum\sum}_{i\neq j}\left|(Y_i-\bm{x}_i^T\bm{\beta})-(Y_j-\bm{x}_j^T\bm{\beta})\right| + \sum_{k=1}^pp_{\eta}'(|\widehat{\beta}_k(\lambda^*)|)|\beta_k|,

where pη()p'_{\eta}(\cdot) denotes the derivative of some nonconvex penalty function pη()p_{\eta}(\cdot), η>0\eta > 0 is a tuning parameter. This function implements the second-stage enhancement with two popular nonconvex penalty functions: SCAD and MCP. The modified high-dimensional BIC criterion in Wang et al. (2020) is employed for selecting η\eta. Define:

HBIC(η)=log{ij(YixiTβ~η)(YjxjTβ~η)}+Aηloglognnconst_hbiclogp,HBIC(\eta) = \log\left\{{\sum\sum}_{i\neq j}\left|(Y_i-\bm{x}_i^T\widetilde{\bm{\beta}}_{\eta})-(Y_j-\bm{x}_j^T\widetilde{\bm{\beta}}_{\eta})\right|\right\} + |A_\eta|\frac{\log\log n}{n* const\_hbic}\log p,

where β~η\widetilde{\bm{\beta}}_{\eta} denotes the second-stage estimator with the tuning parameter value η\eta, and Aη|A_\eta| denotes the cardinality of the index set of the selected model. This function selects the value of η\eta that minimizes HBIC(η\eta).


An object of class "TFRE", which is a list containing at least the following components:


The input matrix used.


The response variable used.


Logical. TRUE if the Incomplete U-statistics resampling technique is applied, and FALSE if not.


The estimated coefficient vector of the TFRE Lasso regression. The first element is the estimated intercept.


The estimated tuning parameter of the TFRE Lasso regression.


Character vector, "scad" if the TFRE SCAD regression is fitted, "mcp" if the TFRE MCP regression is fitted, "none" if only the TFRE Lasso regression is fitted.

If second_stage = "scad", then the fitted TFRE object will also contain an object named as "TFRE_scad", which is a list containing the following components:


The estimated coefficient matrix of the TFRE SCAD regression. The diminsion is n_eta x (p+1) with the first column to be the intercepts, where n_eta is the length of eta_list vector.


The number of nonzero coefficients (intercept excluded) for each value in eta_list.


The tuning parameter vector used in the TFRE SCAD regressions


A numerical vector of HBIC values for the TFRE SCAD model corresponding to each value in eta_list.


The eta value which yields the smallest HBIC value in the TFRE SCAD regression.


The estimated coefficient vector which employs eta_min as the eta value in the TFRE SCAD regression.

If second_stage = "mcp", then the fitted TFRE object will also contain an object named as "TFRE_mcp", which is a list containing the following components:


The estimated coefficient matrix of the TFRE MCP regression. The diminsion is n_eta x (p+1) with the first column to be the intercepts, where n_eta is the length of eta_list vector.


The number of nonzero coefficients (intercept excluded) for each value in eta_list.


The tuning parameter vector used in the TFRE MCP regressions


A numerical vector of HBIC values for the TFRE MCP model corresponding to each value in eta_list.


The eta value which yields the smallest HBIC value in the TFRE MCP regression.


The estimated coefficient vector which employs eta_min as the eta value in the TFRE MCP regression.


Yunan Wu and Lan Wang
Maintainer: Yunan Wu <[email protected]>


Wang, L., Peng, B., Bradic, J., Li, R. and Wu, Y. (2020), A Tuning-free Robust and Efficient Approach to High-dimensional Regression, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115:532, 1700-1714, doi:10.1080/01621459.2020.1840989.
Peng, B. and Wang, L. (2015), An Iterative Coordinate Descent Algorithm for High-Dimensional Nonconvex Penalized Quantile Regression, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 24:3, 676-694, doi:10.1080/10618600.2014.913516.
Clémençon, S., Colin, I., and Bellet, A. (2016), Scaling-up empirical risk minimization: optimization of incomplete u-statistics. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(1):2682–2717.
Fan, J. and Li, R. (2001), Variable Selection via Nonconcave Penalized Likelihood and its Oracle Properties, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96:456, 1348-1360, doi:10.1198/016214501753382273.

See Also

predict.TFRE, coef.TFRE, plot.TFRE, est_lambda


n <- 20; p <- 50
beta0 <- c(1.5,-1.25,1,-0.75,0.5,rep(0,p-5))
eta_list <- 0.1*6:15*sqrt(log(p)/n)
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n)
y <- X %*% beta0 + rt(n,4)

Obj_TFRE_Lasso <- TFRE(X, y, second_stage = "none", const_incomplete = 5)

Obj_TFRE_SCAD <- TFRE(X, y, eta_list = eta_list, const_incomplete = 5)

Obj_TFRE_MCP <- TFRE(X, y, second_stage = "mcp", eta_list = eta_list, const_incomplete = 5)